Man also has stretch marks?
Man also has stretch marks? What appeared to be a unique problem of women, became very present in the male universe. Before the stretch marks appear only in the lower back due to the spurt, but the past two decades, with the increase in weight and dietary changes, these fearsome brands now be present in bicpes, tricipes, chest, back, shoulder, thighs, buttocks ... Finally, virtually the whole body! Men are also vain, and more than that, a body full of just brands with self esteem either. There are many treatments on the market, but it is no surprise to anyone that men are not as tolerant to pain as women, therefore not all treatments are accepted by them. Cosmetic leaving the "sticky" skin are not well cysts. A treatment to be accepted and used by the male majority should be fast, practical and efficient, without pain and without sticking! Within this profile TOE Line was designed, it can be subsumed within the day to day of any man without much work, with no ...