Burnout syndrome - which is a physical , mental and spiritual .

Burnout syndrome - which is a physical , mental and spiritual . And that within the Vision Therapy and Holistic Orthomolecular by Cristina Maria Carrasco should follow a protocol of detachment organized with the use of therapeutic massage together with aromatherapy , replacement minerals and essential nutrients and meditation which brings a balance of body / mind / soul. Something much more effective and complete , since this professional suffering from burnout syndrome , seeking excellence entered a paradox , ending with the loss of their quality of life . Start treatment with the indicated exercise , balanced diet , meditation , replacement minerals , amino acids , fatty acids , trace elements and brief therapy , which may or may not be with alfagênia for sure the results will be much faster and more efficient , since holistic professionals have working instruments with unorthodox vision of balancing the whole person . It is of great importance to understand better what...