Burnout syndrome - which is a physical , mental and spiritual .

Burnout syndrome - which is a physical , mental and spiritual .

And that within the Vision Therapy and Holistic Orthomolecular by Cristina Maria Carrasco should follow a protocol of detachment organized with the use of therapeutic massage together with aromatherapy , replacement minerals and essential nutrients and meditation which brings a balance of body / mind / soul.

Something much more effective and complete , since this professional suffering from burnout syndrome , seeking excellence entered a paradox , ending with the loss of their quality of life .

Start treatment with the indicated exercise , balanced diet , meditation , replacement minerals , amino acids , fatty acids , trace elements and brief therapy , which may or may not be with alfagênia for sure the results will be much faster and more efficient , since holistic professionals have working instruments with unorthodox vision of balancing the whole person .

It is of great importance to understand better what is the burnout because you or someone who is very close to you may be going through this and little is said about it.

The burnout syndrome causes great suffering and harm to those who suffer from it , their families , friends and financially , including the company that person works . So is a serious public health .

Better understand what it is, symptoms , treatments conventional and unconventional .

What is already known about the burnout syndrome :

Burnout syndrome is a disorder of psychological depressive character , preceded by intense physical and mental exhaustion , defined by Herbert J. Freudenberger as " a state of physical and mental exhaustion whose cause is closely tied to professional life ."

Burnout syndrome ( the English to burn out , burn completely ) , also called burnout syndrome , was so named by New York psychoanalyst , Freudenberger , after it finds itself in the early 1970s .

The exaggerated dedication to professional activity is a hallmark of Burnout , but not the only one. The desire to be the best and always demonstrate a high level of performance is another important phase syndrome : the bearer of Burnout measure self -esteem and the ability to achieve professional success .

What begins with satisfaction and pleasure ends when such performance is not recognized . At this stage , need to affirm the desire for professional achievement turns into stubbornness and compulsion.

There are twelve stages of burnout :

Need to assert or prove to be always able
Dedication intensified - with a predominance of the need to do everything yourself , anytime of day ( immediacy ) ;
Neglect of personal needs - eating, sleeping , hanging out with friends begin to lose the sense ;
Settlement of conflicts - the carrier realizes that something is wrong , but does not face the problem . It occurs when the physical manifestations ;
Reinterpretation of values ​​- isolation , escape from conflicts . What once had value depreciates : leisure , home, friends , and the only measure of self -esteem is the work ;
Denial of problems - in this phase the others are completely devalued , seen as unable or performing below its . Social contacts are repelled , cynicism and aggression are the most obvious signs ;
Gathering and aversion to meetings ( anti -socialization ) ;
Evident changes in behavior ( difficulty accepting certain games with good sense and good humor ) ;
Depersonalization ( avoid dialogue and prioritize emails , posts , messages etc. ) ;
Emptiness and feeling that everything is complicated , difficult and exhausting ;
Depression - marks of indifference , hopelessness , exhaustion. Life is meaningless ;
Finally, burnout syndrome itself, which corresponds to the physical and mental collapse . This stage is considered an emergency and medical and psychological help is urgently needed .

The symptoms are varied : severe headache , dizziness , tremors , severe shortness of breath , mood swings , sleep disturbances , difficulty concentrating, and digestive problems .

According to Dr. Jürgen Staedt , director of clinical psychiatry and psychotherapy Vivantes hospital complex in Berlin , of the patients who come to him with depression are diagnosed with burnout syndrome .

Psychology professor Manfred Schedlowski behavior , the Institute of Technology Zurich ( ETH ) , records the growth of the occurrence of " Burnout " in professional environments , despite the difficulty of differentiating the syndrome from other evils , for it manifests varied : " a person has chronic stomach pain , reacts with other signs of depression and the third develops an anxiety disorder explicitly ," and adds that have been described over 130 symptoms of burnout .

Burnout is typically developed as a result of a period of excessive effort in working with very short intervals for recovery.

Researchers seem to disagree about the nature of this syndrome . While many scholars argue that burnout refers exclusively to a syndrome related to exhaustion and lack of customization work , others perceive it as a special case of the more general clinical depression or just a form of extreme fatigue (thus omitting the component despersonalizarão .)

Healthcare workers are often prone to burnout . Cordes and Doherty (1993 ) , in his study of these professionals , found that those who have frequent or intense emotionally charged interactions with others are most susceptible.

Students are also prone to burnout in the final years of basic schooling (high school ) and higher education ; interestingly , this is not a kind of work-related burnout , but with intense study continued with deprivation of leisure , fun activities or another equivalent hedonic enjoyment .

Perhaps this is best understood as a form of depression . Works with high levels of stress or consumerism, may be more likely to cause burnout than normal levels of work stress or effort .

IT professionals , police , taxi drivers , banking , air traffic controllers , engineers , musicians , teachers and artists seem to be more prone to burnout than other professionals .

The doctors seem to have the highest proportion of burnout cases ( according to a recent study in Psychological Reports , no less than 40 % of physicians had high levels of burnout ) .

Call Burnout syndrome is defined by some authors as one of the most striking consequences of stress or professional wear , and is characterized by emotional exhaustion , negative evaluation of oneself , the term burnout is a composition of burns and burn = out = complete suggesting depletion . this kind of stress consumes up physically and emotionally , going to present an aggressive and irritable.

This syndrome refers to a type of occupational stress and institutional predilection for professionals who maintain a direct and constant relationship with other people , especially when this activity is considered to help ( doctors , nurses , teachers ) .

Bank may also be suffering from this syndrome, because they deal with other people and suffer the financial problems of their clients several times. Totally adverse bankers , bankers are workers who live the anguish of the customer and can not take the view that they are just consumers .

Other authors, however , believe the Burnout Syndrome something other than generic stress . In general , this situation is considered extreme apathy and disinterest , not as a synonym for any kind of stress , but as one of its very serious consequences .

In fact , this syndrome was observed originally in occupations predominantly related to a more demanding interpersonal contact , such as physicians , psychologists , prison guards , social workers , commercial workers , teachers , government clerks , nurses , staff personnel department , telemarketing and firefighters .

Today , however , the observations now extend to all professionals who interact actively with people who care or solve other people's problems , techniques and methods that meet the most demanding part of labor organizations subject to assessments.

Defined as a reaction to chronic emotional tension generated from direct contact, excessive and exhausting or stressful with work, this disease causes the person to lose most of the interest in their relationship with work, so that things cease being important and any personal effort comes to seem pointless .
Among the factors apparently associated with the development of burnout syndrome is little autonomy in work performance , relationship problems with supervisors , relationship problems with colleagues or clients , conflict between work and family, sense of disqualification and lack of team cooperation .

Some authors advocate the burnout syndrome as being different from the stress , claim that this disease involves negative attitudes and behaviors towards users , customers , organization and work, while stress would appear more like a mental interference in personal life of the subject and not necessarily in relation to the work .

Others think that Burnout Syndrome would be the consequence of more depressive stress caused by work.

Law No. 3048/99 , Social Security considers the burnout syndrome or burnout syndrome as occupational disease . The term means burning burn in and out abroad means suggesting that the person with this kind of stress is consumed physically and emotionally , going to submit aggressive behavior. The Ministry of Health recommends treating this syndrome as the psychotherapeutic and pharmacological and psychosocial interventions .

There is a unique concept for the burnout syndrome , however , the most widely accepted definition conceives of burnout as a reaction to chronic emotional tension of the individual , through dealing with people too . It is a concept consisting of three dimensions related but independent : emotional exhaustion , depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment .

Emotional exhaustion is characterized by lack of energy and enthusiasm , a sense of resource depletion which may add to the feeling of frustration and tension -ing the workers , because they perceive no longer afford to expend more energy to care for your client or others, as they did before .

Depersonalization is characterized by the development of emotional numbing , which makes the professional treat customers , colleagues and organization so dehumanized . The decrease in the professional achievement is characterized by a tendency of workers to self assess negatively becoming unhappy and dissatisfied with their professional development , with a consequent decline in their sense of competence and success , as well as its ability to interact with others.

Thus , it is considered burnout syndrome as a psychosocial event directly linked to the employment situation , in which the subject seeks to per-sonal fulfillment through their work . However , the productive activity does not develop individually but in a social context , in which there must be equilibrium of individual mental health and coletiva5 .
Therefore , the burnout syndrome brings undesirable consequences for both the professional quan -to for the customer and the institution .

Strategies for coping with burnout syndrome vary according to the desired goal , including interventions focused on the individual as skill-based behavioral and cognitive coping , meditation , health education and physical activity in the relationship between individual and organization - compreenden of the actions to improve communication and teamwork , among others , the organization as train-ing and changing physical environmental conditions and combined interventions that combine two or more types of interventions focuses distintos7 . Another study emphasizes all three levels of intervention : focus on the individual's response (individual ) , the occupational setting ( organizational ) and interaction context occupational and individual ( combined )

The proposals for dealing with the burnout syndrome should be prepared in accordance with the needs of each individual , affected by the syndrome , as well as environmental adjustments should be made to reduce adverse events and improve the organizational level of individual response to the environment job.

In order to prevent the development of the syndrome , the individual may use coping strategies that have been defined as "a cognitive and behavioral effort conducted to master , tolerate or reduce external and internal demands ."

The coping can be divided into two functional categories : emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping .

In the first , there is demand for strategies that derive from defensive processes avoiding distance themselves and seek positive values ​​in negative events as a way to diminish the importance of the emotional stressor .
But the problem-focused coping , the person tries to set the difficulty they experience , looking for alternatives and choosing among them .

Coping strategies are : confrontation, which covers strategies that include the vision of defiance and attention to one aspect of the situation involving the evaluation of the different possibilities of actions and their consequences ; spacing , corresponding to strategies that involve the denial of feeling of fear or anxiety, where the individual tries to forget the truth , refusing to believe that the situation is occurring ; self , characterized by strategies that try to control the emotion that comes from the problem.

The choice of the type of coping is very particular, is closely related to the life history and personality of the individual , therefore, meet individual characteristics is extremely importância24 . According to researchers , certain types of coping are more effective than others , emphasizing that the problem-focused coping can lead to stress reduction .

Acquire healthy lifestyle habits , such as physical exercise regularly , sleep well , maintain a balanced diet and enjoy leisure are required to reduce the effects of stress pro -fessional .

These measures may prevent the onset of the syndrome by providing an escape from the individual in relation to everyday stress in the workplace , in addition, workers produce more and better if they are in perfect harmony with the body and mind .
Some of these strategies are also included in the study where they were divided strategy according to the type of stress , establishing the categories in :

Category A: It encompasses physiological , physical exercise and relaxation ;

Category B : System support with strategies conversations with people you trust and make prayers ;

Category C : Volunteer work , recreation and hobbies , life strategies , spending time with family and have reading habit ;

Category D : Interpersonal skills and control , sense of humor, studying and researching and being optimistic person .

The professional is in permanent contact with stressful situations and unfavorable working conditions .

Individual strategies may not be the simplest to be performed, but has the advantage of relying exclusively on each one. Therefore , we need to think more about the worker himself and cultivate habits that contribute to the maintenance of their physical and mental balance .

Burnout syndrome - which is nothing more than a physical , mental and spiritual .
And that within the Vision Therapy and Holistic Orthomolecular by Cristina Maria Carrasco should follow a protocol of detachment organized with the use of therapeutic massage together with aromatherapy , replacement minerals and essential nutrients and meditation which brings a balance of body / mind / soul.

Something much more effective and complete , since this professional suffering from burnout syndrome , seeking excellence entered a paradox , ending with the loss of their quality of life .

Start treatment with the indicated exercise , balanced diet , meditation , replacement minerals , amino acids , fatty acids , trace elements and brief therapy , which may or may not be with alfagênia for sure the results will be much faster and more efficient , since holistic professionals have working instruments with unorthodox vision of balancing the whole person .

If you liked it, if identified , comment , share , disclose .

Hugs and God bless you

Cristina Maria Carrasco
Orthomolecular Therapy and Holistic

COPING STRATEGIES AND INITIATIVES IN THE BURNOUT SYNDROME - Fernanda Moreno Novaes , Gislaine Pinn Gil , Maria do Carmo Lawrence Haddad , Marli Therese Oliveira Vannuchi 

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