Want to lose weight?

Want to lose weight?

Now is the time to invest in your weight loss, ending the localized fat, cellulite, stretch marks, sagging!

Let's customize their treatment and achieve faster results!

With Orthomolecular Therapy you lose weight without suffering!

Rapid and significant improvement in quality of life results!

Check your schedule by tim: 11-98224.1446

or send email to cris@terapiaortomolecular.net

Now in Vila Mariana - São Paulo

I spent a season in the United States studying the eating habits, to understand why it's so easy to get fat.

It is not complicated to understand, but it is difficult to reeducate!

Not everything is the fault of fast foods, most often the culprit is us even when we choose wrong.

We must learn to choose the quality, quantity and the principal: THE MOMENT.

Depending on the moment, the same food would do us good, going to do us harm. I always like to compare the states of water, very simple, everyone knows that water is good, but in what state? liquid, gaseous, solid, flowing? Water does well with sugar? With salt? with milk? with bread?

Finally, stop, think, not all will do you good all the time or at all times.

I like to study deeply every person got it, mount your medical history, your hair analysis, see what makes them good and what makes it bad. To transform what this person is extremely complicated into something simple and enjoyable, and see this trend happening.

Love Orthomolecular Therapy and what I can give her.

Cristina Maria Carrasco
orthomolecular terapist
São Paulo / Brazil

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