Lose weight with green tea diet and orthomolecular
Lose weight with green tea diet and orthomolecular
Green Tea
Green tea is a type of tea made from the infusion of the herb Camellia Sinensis. It is called green because the leaves of the herb suffer little oxidation during processing, which does not happen with the leaves of black tea. Some other herbs are sold as a green tea, but it is the true green tea made from the leaf of Camellia Sinensis bush.
Very popular in China and Japan, recently began to be consumed more frequently in the West, traditional consumer of black tea, due to both a trend Orientalist, for the anti-oxidant properties of green tea attributed to it.

The prevention of cancer promoted by the green tea flavonoid and is attributed to the catechins, which have the ability to block cellular changes that give rise to tumors. Besides containing manganese, potassium, folic acid and vitamins C, K, B1 and B2, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, since studies have linked daily consumption of this tea to a decrease in blood levels of LDL, which is the fraction of bad cholesterol, and improves the condition of the arteries.
In 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a U.S. study showing that people who consume green tea burn more calories than others, due to the increased metabolic rate.
Recent studies have also found that green tea cream improves the defense system of cells against ultraviolet type B. By reducing the inflammation caused by this radiation would increase protection from skin cancer. In addition, the green tea plant (Camellia sinensis) is rich in tannin, which also has antiseptic and astringent properties and may be suitable for cleansing oily skin.
With this we can be sure that consuming green tea and help slimming leave us healthier!
Consume 1 liter of green tea a day, splitting into 5 taken, as follows:
1 cup fasting
1 glass before lunch
1 cup afternoon snack
1 glass before dinner
1 cup before bedtime
2 crackers or toast with salted ricotta
1 cup of coffee
Morning snack:
1 fruit (small portion) or fruit juice (apple, pear, papaya, pineapple, banana silver)
1 medium potato
2 tablespoons chickpeas or soybeans
2 tablespoons of steamed vegetables
1 small fillet of chicken or fish or lean meat grilled or broiled (steak)
2 lettuce leaves
1 tomato
(Seasoning: 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon vinegar, herbs, a little salt)
Afternoon snack:
1 fruit (small portion) or fruit juice (apple, pear, papaya, pineapple, banana silver)
2 crackers with ricotta and salt
2 ladles of vegetables
Recipe for Vegetable Soup with Beef (classical)
• 1/4 chopped onion
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 200g diced duck (lean meat)
• 2 chopped carrots
• 1 medium potato, chopped
• 1 chopped chayote
• 1 col. (Soup) of basil
• 4 c. (Tea) water
• Salt to taste
How to make
In a saucepan, saute onion, garlic and meat with a little olive oil. Add the other ingredients and simmer for 20 minutes.
Preparation time: 25 minutes
Remember to drink water whenever you want (at least 1 liter a day)
kisses and God bless you
Cristina Maria Carrasco